Friday, December 30, 2011

Seth Barrick gets some love in Local Sessions Magazine

Seth Barrick aka Wally and DVO surf shop owner | photographer, Bob Hovey linked up on a sweet air shot a couple months ago. Local Sessions plugged the photo in their recent December / January issue! Big ups to Wally and big thanks to Bob and DVO for the continued support and sick photos along with Local Sessions Magazine! P.S. Look out for Wally's "Who Da Guy" in the upcoming ESM trade show / January 2012 issue.

Team rider Seth Barrick boosting | Bob Hovey | DVO Surf Shop photo

Local Sessions December '11 | January '12 cover

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

New blood- Nick Smith

Our boy Nick is the newest and youngest blood on the surf team. He just checked in with these photos about a week ago, which were shot at Garden City Pier, South Carolina. You're going to see a lot more of this guy in 2012!

Nick Smith | photos

Nick Smith | photos

Nick Smith | photos

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Trevor is ripping.

Trevor Lampton checked in this month with some photos of recent skate sessions with photographer Lucas Osbeck. Our boy is ripping! Yep.

Trevor styling | Osbeck photo

Trevor planting | Osbeck photo

Trevor kicking it | Osbeck photo

Trevor boosting | Osbeck photo

Trevor boosting bigger | Osbeck photo

Oh yeah, Trevor surfs from time to time | Osbeck photo

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Clem's video premier | 12.30.11 | Richmond, VA

Videographer Clem Sawsage will be premiering his new skate film at The Byrd Theater on December 30th in Richmond, VA featuring our boy Jeff Myers and a slew of other RVA rippers. If you're in the area, you don't want to miss it! Ability is a proud sponsor among others, Venue Skate Shop(which is Dominion Skate Shop with a new name, and Clem's web blog Recordings Of Boardings ( Good times!